

She was a woman. Not the sort bounded by definitions, but one who wanted to outlive all boundaries. She knew it was not easy as it sounded. Not at least in the world, she was in. But somewhere in the depth of her heart, somewhere in the darkest corners, she was not willing to give up without a fight. There have been times of doubt and fear, but she was certain about one – The regret that would linger if she never really tried. And that kept her going.

She was not too tall, not too short either. She was somewhere in the middle- she was the kind people called the ‘average’. This was the case with both her looks and brain. But to me, she was the finest of people I knew. Sometimes, our eyes fail to see the perfect icing on people because we get too carried away by the cake. This was true with her. Nobody ever really knew what she was capable of. Nobody knew, what she bred and nurtured in her core.

She hid within her the mightiest of all – Something that could completely destroy one with bare hands, something that could burn everything down to ashes. She hid within her words. Words of love, words of hatred, words of tears, words of joy, and words of all genre man could think of. She read every word she could find and believed them with all her life. A nerd, no, she was not one. She was nowhere near a romanticist or realist.  She was a plain lady, who decided to believe in something less stressful and more fun. She was someone who was never really fond of the reality that existed and wanted to define life the way she wanted. She was somebody who was dead set to believe in anything abnormal-like magic. She saw her as somebody just like Alice (Alice in Wonderland), except that she herself was older by years. Shh..!! Keep it a secret; she had waited hours in her wardrobe hoping to end up in Narnia.

But now at the age of 23, she finally realized that those books have meant something more to what she has always inferred. She now understood what the words really told her. She finally stopped waiting for the magic to come discover her. Instead, she set out in search of her own magic. She poured out her words on to the paper and created everything she always wanted to have- sometimes a fantasy land, sometimes a prince charming. She filled them with love, pain, friendship and many others. She filled them with everything she could think of. She has finally become somebody who makes others believe in the oddest of things. Yes… she has become a writer.

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