Reply 1994 and How it teaches Life…
I have been hearing splendid reviews about the reply series ever since I entered the K-drama world. It sure took me long to sit down to watch one and I regret not watching it earlier. The story revolves around the life of a few students in their 20’s, most of them from the countryside moving to Seoul for college and living together in a boarding house in Sincheon. The story is about friendship, love, family and about the generation that passed by while they were living together.

There might be a lot of reviews giving you spoilers as well as the main plot online, so I am just noting down how the drama relates to and answers many of our questions and confusions we face in twenties…
1. A Place to Belong
An unfamiliar city and it’s people could be the worst of fears for people coming from the countryside. The drama tells us how a place where we could feel home is important in our hard times, a place that could make us feel safe, a place that you could always turn to.

2. ” The reason your heart skip is still love”
The drama tells you even for a generation undergoing drastic changes, from analog to digital, from pagers to cellphones, from trends and to new trends, the reason the heart skips a beat is still love. It says even amidst all chaos and confusion. youth is awkward and simple and that one person could still bring butterflies.

3. A Love taken for granted
Sometimes we get used to a person that everything they do seems to be a given. As time passes by, we take them for granted and become less thankful and sorry every day. The drama teaches us even with such people love should be expressed, apologies and appreciations to be made before it’s too late. After all, Only love can repay love, only sincerity can move hearts.

4. Of All the Choices Made
Life is all about making choices and we are made to choose every moment. Each moment is the result of the countless choices made in the past and all those choices together make us who we are today. There is no choice without regrets and the drama consoles us pointing out there were no right answers to begin with. And further lets us on the key to living life happily without regrets; To believe all our choices were right.

5. “It’s Okay to take your time”
With the world rushing forward, many times, we get dragged along the crowd, not knowing what to do. You feel like you are the only one lagging behind, not knowing the direction you should take but the drama tells us it’s okay to not know, it’s okay to take your time to figure out what you really want. It asks us to listen to our shy delicate heart that hide deeps within, silencing our words and thoughts until it pops out on it’s own.

6. “It ain’t over till it’s over”
They say, “To succeed, you must endure pain for more than 10,000 hrs”. Instead of waiting for a good fortune, one must put in endless efforts and go through hardship, even for relationships and love.Ha..What is love if not the effort we put in?. It ain’t over till it’s over.

7. “A Dream is just a Dream”
Chasing your dreams triumphing over given circumstances is a truly fabulous thing to do but the drama teaches not to beat yourself over a lost dream, not to lose confidence over some dramatic success stories. It points out how it is not easy to step over someone we love, that giving up means those people were important as much as your dreams.

8. To the Last of things
Finally. the drama talks about how goodbyes are sad even with people we just met, how every last time leaves us in tears. It reminds the importance of cherishing every moment like it is the last, because we never recognize the last of things and regret letting it pass by without notice.

This drama successfully takes us back to the X-generation, their friendship, love, hardships and many more. And may be, human’s irrespective of the time zone, are all so similar beyond doubt. That’s it.

16 thoughts on “Reply 1994 and How it teaches Life…”
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I really amazed by your talent of review. I relive the memories of this drama. Keep going dear.
Thank you❤️
Thank you❤️
Thank you❤️
gonna watch
Thank you❤️
As always a brilliant review. You have brought all about Reply 1994 in a shell. Awesome work annu
Thank you♥️
Just like you said, I already regret not watching it yet. The best and easiest way to inscribe all these life lessons and quotes into our mind is by watching such meaningful K-dramas.. Good work chechi..❤️
Thank you♥️
The honesty and mood of this review certainly tell how good you might have felt when you watched it. I haven’t watched it yet but now it is sure that it is marked in my watchlist.
Thank you❤️
Honestly, your post is making me want to watch this drama. There’s so much about the reply series that makes us feel nostalgic about that point in our lives when we were still teenagers and the lessons they taught us. It’s worth watching!
Thank you for taking the time to read. This drama is also 20 episodes long but you know they teach us a lot about that time and for life.
That’s right! And from my experience in Reply 1988, I know that it will not be boring.
Will surely try to watch. Thank you